The Republican ticket is shaky - at both Presidential and Vice-Presidential ends - leaking at both orifices, you could say!

Pick the next change to this ticket and you win our Pundit-of-the-Month Award!
First come, first serve! One to a customer. Not twosies or threesies! As soon as you place your bet, no one else can take it from you, unless you change your bet of course.
Contest closes when I say it closes!
Hot dog! I got Joe Lieberman!
John McCain more likely to drop Sarah Palin, bookmakers say:
Before the Republican senator's presidential campaign disclosed the pregnancy of Palin's 17-year-old daughter, bookmakers in Britain and Ireland were offering 20-1 odds or higher on a bet that she would be forced off the ticket, meaning a 1 pound ($1.78) bet would pay 20 pounds. Now that same bet will pay no more than 8 pounds.
If McCain becomes disabled during the campaign, will Palin replace him at the head of the ticket? Or will the GOP replace him with a big name?
Messenger, I'll take Huckabee!
I don't think there's much of a chance for an Eagleton watch watch to present any changes in the Veep spot for the GOP. Republicans have what they want with the pitbull wearing lipstick. The only conceivable change before November would have to come via McCain's health. (I wish him well.)
Giulani will replace McCain.
Good theory: Noun-verb-POW to be followed by noun-verb-911. But is this progress? Is this change you can believe in?
Fred Thompson
If he doesn't drop her, he's even more worthless than I first suspected!
Lieberman. McCon doesn't like Romney (Rove's been pushing on this choice), but he loves Holy Joe. So, I'm going with Vig on this one.
Ah, Stella! Girl, you're too late! These rules state you can't share a prize. You can't have Jomentum until and unless Vigil (who got there 1st) don't want him no mo'.
Alas, I have been bested by the best. OK, I'll take Hagee.
Figuratively, of course...
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