Friday, August 15, 2008

Rethuglican Stew! Guaranteed Emetic!


Vigilante said...

That's settled it. I'm not having dinner with Trophy Wife tonight. Oh, I'll be at the table tonight with her as she eats. But I've lost my appetite. I'll just be doing Coronas while she's doing enchilados. You keep posting like this Stella, and I'll be losing a lot of weight!

Boris said...

I just have to ask what a good looking woman like Condi is doing in the pool with the fat ugly slobs. She just picked the wrong PARTY to go to, huh?

Boris said...

Maybe the clue is in "EMETIC". If I look up that word, will I understand what Condi is doing in a swamp full of reptiles?

Blogging4Food said...

Chicken(hawk) Stew!

Stella by Starlight said...

I almost lost my lunch, boris. Hence, the term "emetic" from MedNet: Something that causes emesis, that makes you want to vomit.

Sorry, Vig. Please keep your strength up. I'll try to refrain (no promises).

Boris said...

Condi isn't an emetic, for me, Stella. Just regret for her choosing the wrong party. As for the rest of them, barf, barf, and barf.

Stella by Starlight said...

Interesting? Condi?