Thursday, March 13, 2008

Captions, Please!


Petrosexual said...

Party time, Baby!

Big Yellow Forehead said...

The Emperor's Club offered a special deal this week to the top 10 clients- buy one, get one free.

Utah Savage said...

Want to be my running mate?

Utah Savage said...

DB, you came to my site and made a comment on my least read piece--Strange Nookie and the Little Brain. I thought the title alone would reel in the men, but no. Only you. And your comment was "don't they have Cougars in Utah?" The answer is yes, trapping them all over the place on public forest land being grazed by lucky opportunistic ranchers--free range for them, but apparently not the cougars. So... What's up DB?

Love your site. I will return, but not falling from the sky like the real DB Cooper.

Samuel Brainsample said...

Dear lord, this picture just made me do a spit-take. Their expressions are just perfect.

DB Cooper said...

Any one have a barf bag with them?

Petrosexual said...

Utah Salvage, you may have missed Cooper's artful double entendre. Not sure...

Utah Savage said...

Petro, It might be my age...but yes, I must have miss the double entendre, help me out folks. Cougar? Big pussies? Big Cats? If that's it, what do big cats have to do with strange nookie? Metaphor for powerful men? Now, we have Oran Hatch. I her the is some potential for scandal with our Gov, but it's all about dumping nuclear waste in the desert. I've heard his has some potential for blackmail but it's only gossip at this point. I've been hoping for years decades that Orin would get caught with in a compromising position with a very young male page. One can dream.

Still, spell it out for me, please, Petro. And by the way, why are you preventing me from posting comments on you site. What's up with that?

Non-Partisàn said...

The best from Maureen Dowd:

If Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi are the dealmakers, it won’t take Hercule Poirot to figure out who had knives out for Hillary in this “Murder on the Orient Express.”

Al Gore blames Bill Clinton’s trysts with Monica for losing him the White House. He resented sharing the vice presidency with Hillary and sharing the donors and attention with her when she ran for Senate as he ran for president.

“The Clintons will be there when they need you,” said a Carter friend.

If Hillary’s fate falls into the hands of Jimmy, Al and Nancy, the Clinton chickens may come home to roost.

Stella by Starlight said...

Spitzer and Drooliani at the RNC.