Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Swiftspeech Award

This bumbling bloganthology, whose name capriciously changes, has received some highfalutin award from Swiftspeech. The award is called the Arte de Pico. It looks silly to me. In itself, it matters nothing. I have never heard of it. What carries weight, which will weigh a ton, is that Swiftspeech has even acknowledged The Message.

Swiftspeech is on the other side of the spectrum: creatively, artistically, aggressively, courageously, pounding out the gawdless liberal truth on multiple fronts each day. To truly merit this prestigious Swiftspeech Award in the future should truly challenge all of our collective talents and energies. I proudly accept the Arte de Swiftspeech award on behalf of my fellow mediocre bloggers on staff.

Stella, from Swiftspeech, is welcome to a page on this site (not that she needs it!) anytime she emails me. I cannot find her email or I would send her a Blogger Invitation today.


Messenger said...

I'll use this thread to maintain a list of suggestions for new names for this site. To recap our previous transmogrifications, in the recent past we have been:

1. Sozadee's Refugees
2. Speed Bumps
3. Nothing is Off the Table
4. The Message

We can revert or invent endlessly. Go with the flow! If it feels good, do it and be it!

Soros' Proxy said...


As for naming this blog, I go for reverting to #2: SPEED BUMPS!

Stella by Starlight said...

Messenger, I'd love to participate, although I have trouble keeping up with all the blogging I need to do. However, do you mind if I email you and join the Speed Bumps party? (Good one, Soros!)

I was happy to throw the "highfalutin award" your way. This is always a great place to visit.

Have a great weekend messenger and collective speed bumps...


Vigilante said...

Speed Bumps has a more authentic ring to it. But Stella is already hard to monitor and track. If she starts appearing here... !

Messenger said...

Stella, I'm surprised and pleased that you're interested. You will be definitely welcomed by all. Especially by those inactive ones who are sitting on their hands!

Stella by Starlight said...

Messenger, many thanks for the invite. I'm honored to be a part of speed bumps. I'll try not to sit on my hands too much and keep my comments short.

Vigilante well knows how I can ramble. Short column inches: got it!