From The Economist of March 2002, the real truth is revealed:
Back then, the two men appeared to have nothing in common... in 2000 ... the biggest differences between Bush and McCain were in foreign policy. The Arizona senator campaigned for a policy of “rogue-state rollback”— by which he meant preventing disruptive small-country dictators getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction, if necessary by arming the local opposition. Mr McCain was the only candidate on either side to promote this theme, and hardly anyone took him seriously. Mr Bush, in contrast, talked about managing great-power relationships and repairing the damage done to America's ties with China, Russia and Europe after, as he saw it, eight years of Clintonian inconsistency. Mr McCain spoke stirringly or scarily, according to how you see these things, about “national greatness”. Mr Bush called soothingly for greater humility in projecting American power abroad...Yet, if you look at the ideas that currently animate Mr Bush's presidency, they are about as McCainiac as you can get without having spent five years as a Vietnamese prisoner-of-war... In his state-of-the-union speech in January, Mr Bush... delivered his famous warning on the “axis of evil”, rhetorically reformulating Mr McCain's “rogue-state rollback”.
Suddenly, “national greatness conservatism”—Mr McCain's amour fou—has become the passion of the White House too ..... Despite his [2000] defeat, he laid much of the groundwork for Mr Bush's post-September presidency ..... This transformation contains an irony and a question. The irony is that, because the president dominates his party in a way the maverick Mr McCain could never have done, Mr Bush has proved a better spokesman for McCainiac ideas than Mr McCain could ever have been...
Good post, I.P.!
McCain has been So wrong for so [much] longer than Busheney!
Mitt Romney says that John McCain, "after all, was the person who authored some time ago the philosophy that said a surge would work in Iraq."
Yeah, IP. And then there's McShame who can't/won't remember his voting record: moron. I provided him with a link to Project Vote Smart [great bookmark] to remind him of his voting record.
Yeah, it's not his age. It's his memory. He can't remember dick.
Maliki prefers Obama's time-table to McCain's 50-year old model
Frank Rich:
The best thing to happen to John McCain was for the three network anchors to leave him in the dust this week while they chase Barack Obama on his global Lollapalooza tour. Were voters forced to actually focus on Mr. McCain’s response to our spiraling economic crisis at home, the prospect of his ascension to the Oval Office could set off a panic that would make the IndyMac Bank bust in Pasadena look as merry as the Rose Bowl.
The first gaffe on Obama's tour of the jihadi fronts in Busheney's war on terror comes from McCain!
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