Friday, June 13, 2008

R.I.P. Tim Russert

Big Russ and Us

This Father's Day, the Big Guy will be missing....


Boris said...

I for one don't wish this shitheat any peace. I remember the Democratic debate in which, apropos of nothing, Russert asked Senator Obama whether he "accepts the support of Louis Farrakhan." It was the illusion of balance. But it would only have been balanced if Russert had just previously quizzed Senator Clinton about something equally as ridiculous. For instance, "Senator Clinton: do you accept the support of Ann Coulter who said she'd vote for you over Senator McCain? Ann Coulter once called John Edwards a fag, and she said that Jews need to be perfected. Ha-HAH! Gotcha!"

Russert wasn't big Russ. He was small-minded.

Soros' Proxy said...

Russert was peerless in his ability to come up with penetrating questions -- and tough follow-ups -- for politicians on Meet the Press is singled out as his strongest credential as a journalist. A reflection of the show's new energy is the network's recent decision to expand it to one hour. His second asset is his sources, always researched, documented, and irrefutable. He will Be missed.

Petrosexual said...

Boris, You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

LTE said...

Russert was peerless among American media giants. A leader. A national treasure.

Yellow Dog said...

In respectful memory of Tim Russert, let me just wish all of us happier Fathers' Days in the years to come.

Vigilante said...

Happy Tim Russert Day.

Kentucky Rain said...

Tim Russert was a good and decent man whose legacy will long survive him.