It's time for another pundit-of-the-month contest.
Here are the rules.
"As much as I hate to say it, I know beyond a doubt that the next weeks are going to be nasty. He’s leading, and there are people who simply cannot stomach the idea of his beautiful family living in the White House. There will be smears, all sorts of slander and lies, the likes of which you’ve probably rarely seen. So y’all, we got to pray for this man. And please . . . make sure you VOTE!" (Miryam Ehrlich Williamson)
I'll go first:
Bill Richardson
Chuck Hagel
Janet Napolitano
Lee Hamilton
Anthony Zinni
Kathleen Sebelius
Howard Dean
Tom Daschle
Max Cleland
Lincoln Chafee
Olympia Snowe
Forget the others. I can win with these. I won before, didn't I?
I shouldn't do this when I'm drunk as a skunk, but here goes:
Richard Lugar
Robert Gates,
Chuck Hagel
Richard Clarke
Colin Powell
Jim Leach
Hillary Clinton
Bill Richardson
Max Cleland
Lincoln Chafee
Thanks for these entries. I acknowledge receiving an emailed slate from Soros Proxy.
Good idea, this made me think past this crazy election!
State - Bill Richardson
Defense - Robert Gates or Chuck Hagel
Attorney General - Hillary Clinton or Patrick Fitzgerald
Treasury - Paul Volcker or Timothy Geithner
Director of National Security - Lee Feinstein
President's Chief-of-Staff - Bill Burton or Tom Daschle
Ambassador to the United Nations- Susan Rice
Homeland Security - Richard Clarke
Environmental Protection Agency- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Energy- Al Gore
Veterans Affairs - Colin Powell
Labor- Brian Moore
Interior Brian Schweitzer
Commerce- Warren Buffett
Transportation- Ralph Nader
Housing and Urban Development-Michael Bloomberg
Health and Human Services - Elizabeth Edwards
Education- Daughter of Ann Richards. Cecile Richards
Agriculture- Sen. Tom Harkin
Technology and Innovation (a new Cabinet Position)- Steve Jobs
Secretary of Peace- (a new Cabinet Position) Dennis Kucinich
Supreme Court- Hillary Clinton
GR8 Contest! I'll submit mine by email after I study up! Don't want Maria to benefit from my wisdom and change her picks. (Which actually look like pretty smart ones!)
Bill Clinton *** Hillary Clinton *** Chuck Hagel *** Richard Clarke *** Tom Vilsack *** Kathleen Sebelius *** Arnold Schwarzenegger *** Jesse Jackson, Jr *** Dick Gephardt *** Max Cleland
State: Bill Richardson
Treasury: Sheila Bair
Defense: Chuck Hagel,
Attorney General: Janet Napolitano
Homeland Security: Lee Hamilton,
National Security: Anthony Zinni
Agriculture: Tom Vilsack
Commerce: Kathleen Sebelius
Education: George Miller
Energy: Brian Schweitzer
HHS: Howard Dean,
HUD: Shaun Donovan,
Interior: Lincoln Chafee
Labor: David Bonior
Transportation: James Oberstar
VA: Chet Edwards
UN Secretary: Susan Rice,
EPA: Kathleen McGinty,
Chief of Staff: Tom Daschle
Phil Gramm, John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Newt Gingrich, Joe Lieberman, Mitt Romney, Paul Vallis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Mukasey, Olympia Snowe, Jeb Bush, Bill Frist, and Bob Dole.
Forget it, Food Blogger, Arnold the Terminator won't make the bi-partisan cut. He fooking campaigned for McCain this week. But Maria Shriver would be interesting bet...
Good shot, Petro-S. It's a long shot, but you definitely have right field all to yourself, at this point. If the ball is hit in your direction Tuesday, you're definitely positioned to clean up!
Too bad Obama can't draft Lieberman into some spot in the cabinet where he can do the least harm. Anything to get him out of the Senate where he does a lot of harm.
Petro, why not bring Rumsfeld back?
Obama has mentioned having bipartisan picks...so that includes some Repubs.
Although, (HAHA!!) Shwartzenegger's recent comments about needing to "pump up" Obama's skinny arms may not endear him to Barack.
Subject to last minute editing, I just wanted to make sure I had something on the board:
Bill Richardson,
Chuck Hagel
Kathleen Sebelius
Brian Schweitzer
Howard Dean
Rahm Emmanuel
Wes Clark
Larry Korb
Janet Napolitano
Tom Vilsack
Tom Daschle,
Harold Ford Jr
Lee Hamilton
Samantha Power
Tammy Duckworth
Kathleen McGinty
Bill Clinton
Susan Rice,
Linda Chavez-Thompson
Rahm Emanuel,
Tom Daschle,
Janet Napolitano
Eric Holder -
Dick Lugar,
Dick Holbrooke
Greg Craig,
Paul Volcker
Richard Danzig,
Secretary Of Energy
Dan Reicher
Jason Grument
Steve Westly
Joel Klein
Caroline Kennedy
Deval Patrick
Tim Geithner
Larry Summers
Robert Sussman
Deadline, tonight, midnight.
No nominations remain in my email. All input to this contest is frozen. By 30 Nov we should have the winner.
Oh, how did I miss this? Colin Powell: Secretary Of Education? A natural!
Well you guys got it covered! I did hear yesterday in my limited access that Kerry was lobbying hard. We have a real leader and promise here. Let us just hope the best of the best in the Republican party in Obama's eyes cooperate and do the right thing for the country and join Obama!
Right-on Patriot!
Vigilante, I don't think Powell could afford working at a government job anymore. He's doing quite well on his own.
Messenger, you have started something, here. But you have not tended your garden. I think it's incumbent that you maintain a running score among the contestants as appointments are made.
HRC for State Dept? I'd call that putting the varsity on the field!
Shit, I picked the wrong Clinton. Can I have a re-do?
Eric Holder for AG?
Hopefully Obama's team does a good job vetting as long as Holder has no skeletons in his closet he is a good choice!
Soros's Proxy : 10 points
Vigilante: 5
Maria Maria: 1
Anvendelig: 1
GetaLife: 1
I want my points for Janet Napolitano! Now!
You'll have to wait until tonight.
Assuming current leaks and rumors are not contradicted, here are the current standings:
1 Soros' Proxy 18
2 Maria Maria 13
3 Vigil 10
4 Boris 7
5 GetaLife-ReadUrNews 6
6 Anvendelig 6
7 Blogging4Food 5
See Rules for current scoring.
Protest! You never said you were going to actually score this!
I am the presumptive nominee!
Testing 123
Call for a recount, guys?
Suggestion for December's contest.
I'd like to see Colin Powell at Education. He would be a tireless advocate, I believe. He'd also not necessarily be a rubber stamp for the teacher's unions (a good thing, in my opinion).
I saw somebody mention Larry Korb, too. Absolutely!
Lawrence Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense for Ronald Reagan and a fellow at the Center for American Progress, says we can save $55 billion a year simply by getting rid of a handful of Cold War-era weapons we don't need anymore. Take, for example, our F/A-22 fighter jet program, designed in the 1980s to fight a conventional ground war in Europe: We're in the process of expanding that fleet to 183 jets to the tune of $65 billion, when we should be scrapping it. Or how about the $12 billion National Missile Defense program (Ronald Reagan's infamous Star Wars fantasy reincarnated)? Given its track record for failure, Mr. Korb suggests shaving $8 billion from it. His report is endorsed by a panel of big guns, including former CIA director Adm. Stansfield Turner and Ambassador Ralph Earle II, former director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.Mr. Obama has inspired millions with eloquent rhetoric about the politics of the possible. But during his seemingly endless campaign against Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain, he did not so much as hint that the military would feel the edge of the budget ax. True, military cuts would not be politically popular. But neither would deep cuts in social spending.
Soros' Proxy is the winner: Pundit for the Month of December!
Order Contestant Score
1 Maria Maria 21
2 Soros' Proxy 18
3 Vigil 13
4 Boris 12
5 Anvendelig 9
6 GettaLife-ReadUrNews 6
7 Blogging4Food 5
A recount shows that Mariamariacuchita of MariaKnows & Swiftspeech is the winner for November!
I wasn't going to say anything.... LOL. A Republican thug lost it for me. But no sore grapes! I'll blame it on chads. Congratz Maria!
Wow. Thanks! Must have been guessing in the right direction that day! I'm stunned.
Soro's grapes are not sore but they are sour, you can count on that, Maria!
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